Monday, September 28, 2009


The Name of the Lord is a strong tower;

the righteous run into it and are safe."

Proverbs 18:10

Yesterday in our small group, we were studying Psalm 135. The Biblical writer exclaims, "Praise the name of the Lord". I asked our group a very simple question... when you pray, how do you begin? Some said, "Dear God" others "Our Heavenly Father" some just began by saying, "Dear Jesus".

I challenged our group and I challenge you to think about how you address the Lord. Maybe in times of confusion, you might address him as the Wonderful Counselor who can give you insight, wisdom, and direction. Names are significant indicators of a relationship! On a first-time encounter, I am liable to be formal with someone, calling them Mr. or Mrs. so and so.... Upon building a relationship (or even by their permission) I begin to call them by their first name.

With some relationships I have have, I use nicknames or pet names. These terms of endearment show a level of closeness in the relationship. They convey love, admiration, and trust.

Our names are precious to us....they reveal who we are. They are a personal connection, a unique part of us. Names in Biblical times were very important, they revealed a person's character. As we read through Scripture we can see the importance of names, therefore, I think it should be a priority in our lives to learn the Names of God, and call upon Him by these unique and varied names. He has been given many Names and each reveals Him in a different way. God's Names represent His attributes, His nature. I think it is important that we know God by His many Names. I hope that over the next several days that you are encouraged and uplifted as you learn about these Names of God. Take time to worship Him daily by calling upon Him using His various Names... to do so will be an awesome experience in knowing God.

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