Monday, November 19, 2007


Yesterday, I faced one of the most difficult tasks of my life. I shared my resignation with the church plant that we have nurtured for over four years. The only analogy I can offer for the planting process is that this is the closest a man comes to birthing a child. NorthStar is my baby . . . I nurtured it, loved it and have watched it grow.

As I stood to preach yesterday, I recognized the need to focus our faith family on their relationship to Christ. I was led to Psalm 23. Regardless of who serves the office of pastor (undershepherd) of the church, Jesus is the Good Shepherd! I shared benefits of belonging to the shepherd. Over the next several days, I want to share those benefits here.

Savior, like a shepherd lead us,
much we need thy tender care;
in thy pleasant pastures feed us,
for our use thy folds prepare.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus!
Thou hast bought us, thine we
are. Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus!
Thou hast bought us, thine we are.

Benefit # 1

The Shepherd KNOWS me!

The text says, "The Lord is my shepherd..."

The Lord (Yahweh), the God of the universe, the creator, sustainer of all things...
He is MY shepherd. There is an intimacy, a personal relationship. I know Him and He knows me. Lots of people ask, “Do you know Jesus?” A better question is “Does Jesus know you?” Matthew 7:23 describes a time when Christ will say to many, Depart from me, I never KNEW you. It is important to be known by the Good Shepherd.

The Good Shepherd knows His sheep and cares for them. More about His care later. For now, soak up this thought that you can say, "The Lord is MY shepherd". Not just "A" shepherd, but "MY" shepherd.

David spoke of God's knowledge of his life in Psalm 139:1-4.

O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my
going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD.

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