Monday, August 20, 2007

What does it take to be an effective church planter?

Charles Ridley conducted a study of church planters in the United States and Canada. His subjects in the study represented 13 Protestant denominations. Based upon his research and subsequent field testing, he developed a list of 13 prominent performance dimensions. For over a decade, these dimensions have been used to select church planters. Here is his list of dimensions and their definitions.

13 Qualities of a Church Planter

1) Visioning Capacity - Can see God's preferred future for the new church and the community.

2) Intrinsically Motivated - Is a self-starter. Manages time effectively.

3) Creates Ownership Of Ministry - Is able to get others to "buy" into the vision.

4)Relates To The Unchurched - Is comfortable being around pre-Christian people.

5)Spousal Cooperation - The spouse supports and participates in the church plant.

6)Effectively Builds Relationships - Is a relational person who builds friendships easily and encourages others to do the same.

7)Committed To Church Growth - Pushes through the natural barriers to church growth.

8)Responsive To The Community - designs ministries that fit the community and mission of the church plant.

9)Utilizes Giftedness Of Others - understands how to help people identify their gifts and release them to use their gifts in unique ministries.

10)Flexible And Adaptable - Is comfortable with change. Can switch gears easily to adjust to change or take advantage of opportunities.

11)Builds Group Cohesiveness - understands people and knows how to get them to pull together as a team.

12)Resilient - Not Easily Discouraged - Is emotionally and psychologically strong. Is not overwhelmed by criticism or setbacks.

13)Exercises Faith - Has a consistent walk with God and trusts God to provide the resources and personnel for the church plant.

Anybody want to add to the list?


Dad said...

The ability to carry six folding chairs at once can't hurt.

I once heard a guy say that guys with experience as youth ministers in larger churches are some of the best candidates for church planters. Looking at this list, that idea makes a lot of sense. Perhaps we should be recruiting the Doug Feilds' of the world.

The list also reminds me of the team aspect. All of these characteristics are rare for one person. But a few people together could fulfill all of them well.

Unknown said...

Ridley's list assumes a certain kind of church plant model (purpose driven, weekend event, attractional model). It does not work so well for the guys planting thousands of house churches in third world countries. Paul might have had a tough time w/ Ridley as well.

How about this:
1. Deep conviction of personal calling to plant church(es).
2. Track record of starting stuff.
3. Clear on the authority of the Bible.
4. Likeable. Likeable wife too.
5. Able to communicate vision in a few minutes.
6. Willing to take the time to gain peoples' trust. Not demanding acceptance because of his degrees or pedigree.
Jack Allen
New Orleans Missionary

Scott Hanberry said...

Dr. Allen,

Thanks for your imput! Good insights that will further the discussion, I'm sure.
