I'm reading a great new book by Chuck Swindoll entitled, The Church Awakening. I've long been a fan of the wit, wisdom, and spiritual insights that he offers in his writings...so far, he has not disappointed with this new offering!
In THE CHURCH AWAKENING, Charles Swindoll discusses the challenges, struggles, and priorities of the church in the twenty-first century. He reveals the problems inherent in the entertainment-based postmodern church and shows how a return to biblical teaching will restore its strength and impact.
Now being replaced by a feel-good message instead of what Christians need to know to stand strong in a world that's lost its way--Swindoll exposes the problems of--and solutions for--the postmodern evangelical church. Just as he opened readers' eyes with his bold statements in The Grace Awakening, now he offers a straightforward volume revealing how to reestablish a life-altering church with Christ as Lord and Master. Illuminating and empowering, THE CHURCH AWAKENING will ignite a revolution in the way Christians "do church" for years to come.
Three imperatives that ALL churches should examine and apply!
1) Clear, Biblical thinking must override secular planning and a corporate mentality!
2) Studied, accurate decisions must originate from God's Word, not human opinions.
3) Wise, essential changes must occur to counteract any sign of erosion.
Over the next several days, I want to offer some insights to these principles. For now, I simply offer this challenge to church leaders and church-goers alike...
May we continually devote ourselves to that which is essential... the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer (Acts 2:42)
May we become passionate about doing God's work God's way!
May we come to recognize that the Church is a spiritual enterprise and not a corporation, a business, a structured organization, a set of rules, regulations or by-laws! The Church is the Body and Bride of Christ!
May we recognize the ways in which we have drifted from the Church's original intent... and may we have the courage and passion to return!
Can't wait for your insight. I have been moved by this book and can't wait to get through it so I can read it again. Haven't read one this good in a while. Swindoll doesn't disappoint...and neither do YOUR wisdom and guidance. Thanks! Sarah Steen
Scott, I appreciate your comments and insights about the church.
Praying with you for the Church!
With a Grateful Heart,
Jay Johnston
Jay and Sarah,
Thanks for your encouragement... I am excited about this book and about learning and growing through it!
Join in the discussion anytime!
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