...taking first steps
...taking first steps
I've told several friends lately, and even my small group, that I am burdened about my life. I know there are changes that need to take place. So here goes! When I think about taking a transformation journey, three words keep coming up.
These are the key words for my pursuit of a makeover. You might have others, but for me, these 3 will keep me on track. Later on, I’ll share with you how I am setting goals in each of these areas and how those specific goals will help guide me to the ultimate destination of health, happiness, and holiness, but first, here’s how I’ve described each of these areas. I will work to become:
HEALTHY - A state of mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.
HAPPY - When I think about being happy, I think about peace and contentment...deep-seated joy. Not a superficial, emotional feeling, but a state of fulfillment. I don’t want my happiness to be based on external things, but on being satisfied that I am in good relationships and I am fulfilling my purpose before God.
HOLY - Dedicated and consecrated to God. In the book, The Pursuit of Holiness, Jerry Bridges says this about holiness:
For starters, it doesn't look anything like perfection. And it doesn't necessarily look like victory. Mostly, it consists of effort, prayer, grace, and obedience. "Scripture speaks of both a holiness we have in Christ before God, and a holiness we are to strive after”.
TAKING A STEPFor real transformation to occur, we need to know some simple coordinates... Namely, we need to determine where we are and where we want to go. When I gave you my “rut” list, I was establishing the “where am I” coordinate. When I shared the “healthy, happy, holy” concept, I was establishing the “where I want to go” coordinate.
Without these two key coordinates it would be impossible to measure our progress and success. It also makes it difficult for others to support and help you along the way. But when you are clear about where you are and precisely where you're going, together, we’ll be able to know and understand what this climb is all about for you and we can help you get there.
Where am I now?
Look at various areas of your life... In business or in personal finance, it is important to look at the balance sheet (a simple summary of the balances - assets, liabilities, debt)
This week, you need to inventory your life (create a balance sheet in your marriage, your finances, your physical health) How do you do that?
Look at specifics... I want you to list three objectively verifiable and measureable statements which reflect your condition and health right now. Today, we’ll focus on the physical.
Bill Phillips, author of Eating for Life and Body for Life says that scale weight, measurements, cholesterol, blood pressure, even a “before” picture might be a good way to get a picture of where you are.
Your 3 goals might look like this:
1) First A.M. scale weight: 217 lbs. mid-section measurement at the widest point: 42 inches. Bodyfat: 31%.
2) Cholesterol: 234 ng/ml. Blood pressure 142/87 as measured by my doctor.
3) I'm attaching my before picture taken from the front and another from the back.
You determine what they look like, but get an honest look at yourself.
I also want you to set a goal for where you want to be. Write them down! I am reaching out 12 weeks with my “end result”. I will reevaluate things then. But between now and then, I want to lost 2 pounds a week and I want to lower my cholesterol by 5%
You determine yours. Tomorrow, I’ll tell you about some of the spiritual & relational dynamics that I plan on tackling!
Oh, and once we know where we are and where we want to go, then we can begin putting together the road map of how to get there! Happy Traveling. I’m praying for you!
I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes. Psalm 119:59
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