This is the final blog entry regarding Psalm 23...
This is the final blog entry regarding Psalm 23...
David has given us thoughts about how God relates to His own as a shepherd. David has sat on the hillsides...given the flock protection, direction, comfort, rest, and provision for their every need.
David recognizes that all of those things are easily seen in his relationship to God as well! God, the GREAT SHEPHERD, leads, guides, protects, nurtures, and loves His flock.
And so we come to the final line of what is now perhaps the most "Famous" Psalm.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life...
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life...
FOLLOWED... It seems serene and peaceful. The goodness and mercy of God tagging along behind. For most of my life I read those words and pictured images of Andy and Opie strolling along, heading down to the fishin' hole with cane poles in tow. The daydream also included a little lop-eared beagle trailing along and bringing up the rear. NOT SO!!!
David chose his words carefully...the word "follow" in Psalm 23:6 is best translated "pursue". It expresses a cheetah giving chase to its next meal. It is the word for the advancing Israelite army giving chase to the fleeing Phillistines.
Quite literally, the Bible is saying to us that God's goodness and mercy are hunting us down! His goodness and mercy are chasing/pursuing/stalking.
God also uses the Psalmist to tell us to "BE STILL and KNOW that I am God".
Link those thoughts:
God's love and mercy and goodness and grace are giving chase. If we will be still, they will catch up. God is pursuing a love relationship with you and with me. He wants to bless us. He wants to lavish His goodness upon us, and if we still ourselves they will overtake us.
Rev. S.M. Lockridge called "goodness" and "mercy" the shepherd's watchdogs...always in pursuit. I like that. This loving, benevolent, gracious, shepherding God is looking for ways to pursue us with His goodness and mercy. Stop Running Away Today!!!
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