I have several friends that are into "restoration". Cars, houses, and furniture mainly. I am intrigued by their attention to detail, but more than that, I am fascinated at their vision. They see what can be in what is. I look and see a hunk of rusting metal. They look and see potential. They see a Sunday drive in an antique beauty.
The Psalmist said of God, "He restores my soul." John Piper says that this could mean either he returns our soul from erring in sin or he refreshes our soul when we are dry and lifeless. The same phrase occurs in Lamentations 1:16, which says, "My eye, my eye runs down with water because far from me is a comforter, one who restores my soul." The idea of comfort also occurs here in Psalm 23:4, "Your rod and staff comfort me." So I think we should probably think of soul refreshment here instead of moral correction. In either case...restoration is the work of a loving shepherd. He guides and He guards. He leads and He loves. He strengthens and He satisfies. More than all of this, He sees what can be. He looks at our tired, sinful, dry, depleted souls and loves us with a restoring love. He loves you where you are, but He loves you too much to leave you there. Perhaps on another occasion, I'll talk about the process of restoration. It can be painful... sandblasting rusty spots or stripping away old paint and varnish.
Today, relish the wonder of these simple words, "He restores my soul"!
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