He is all I want!
A Child was asked to quote the 23rd Psalm for her Sunday School Teacher, and with great confidence began by saying, "The Lord is my shepherd, He is all I want". While misquoting the verse, she nailed the theology.
When the Psalmist said, I SHALL NOT WANT, he was establishing another beautiful benefit of belonging to the Shepherd.
Namely, The Shepherd assures me!When you establish the relationship of Shepherd and sheep, you have all that you need. Two dynamics come into play.
1) CONFIDENCE - When I live my life in light of the fact that I have a shepherd, and not just any shepherd, but Jesus Himself, I walk in confidence. A quiet assurance of protection, leadership, and grace rises in my life. I lack nothing, I have no want. He has my best interest at heart all of the time. That means that anything that I might need, He supplies. This assurance of provision leads to another wonderful dynamic:
2) CONTENTMENT - When I realize that He is my shepherd, I realize also that I can live in total peace recognizing that all I need is already mine. I don't wrestle with petty lusts and desires for more and more. I am content because I am satisfied with Him.
I challenge you, as a follower, to walk confidently and with contentment with the ASSURANCE of the shepherd's provision.
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