Tuesday, August 28, 2007


On August 12th NorthStar celebrated baptism at the shoreline of Lake Coeur d’Alene with eight new believers publicly professing Christ. This was the third summer that the Church family gathered at the Lake. Because of the cold water, there is a very brief window of opportunity when the water is warm enough for baptism.

The setting really fits with the public nature of baptism. It is a wonderful declaration to anyone who witnesses the gathering. We’ve seen people stop their boats and jet skis to watch! What a great witness!

The church gathers at a very popular beach hangout called, “Independence Point". What a fitting name for the place where we gather. These new believers are declaring to the world that they belong to Christ and that they’ve been set free from the bondage of sin. In this unchurched community, baptism is such a wonderful way to preach a gospel message without words.

Throughout the rest of the year, the church uses a “portable baptistry” that came from the “baptistry store”. Actually, it’s a water trough that came from the co-op, but that goes hand in hand with the “whatever it takes” mindset of NorthStar!
The church has seen dozens of people come to Christ in its short lifetime, but expects to see more. We are trying to create a “baptism culture” here. We want our church family to view evangelism as lifestyle, to expect God to save people, and to celebrate new life in Christ often with those who are being baptized!

And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

1 comment:

Dad said...

I know you are in the office next door, but I'll take this opportunity to say YOU'RE AWeSOME! Sunday you preached with conviction and excellence.

I'm glad to be a part of NorthStar. I'm glad God included you too ;-)