I finally entered the world of facebook. What is facebook, you ask? It is a social networking website...This free site allows people to connect by job or industry, schools, location, interests, etc...(Check out more info HERE)I have heard friends talk about this for a while (actually, I've heard the youth at my church talk about it) I didn't understand it or necessarily want to try it, but I took the plunge today.
Already over 30 friends in the first 4 hours! That is somewhat gratifying. I shutter to think of my emotional state if NO one had agreed to be my facebook friend. I've reconnected with people that I haven't spoken with in years; I've connected with people who share similar interests; and I have found a medium for sharing information rapidly. You should try it!!! Seems fun enough. Yet, I get a sneaking suspicion that this could become a huge time-waster. we'll see! :-)